G&G Skills

Eliis is an international software provider in seismic interpretation. Eliis offers solutions to analyze, characterize and model, from 2D and 3D seismic images, the different subsurface layers. The rigorous study of geological strata promotes the high-resolution detection of fossil reservoirs. 

PaleoSca PaleoScan is a new generation of 2D/3D seismic interpretation platforms! Helps you strengthen your seismic interpretation potential, integrate all available data and develop your creativity.

PaleoScan™ provides a toolkit for visualizing, editing and analyzing well data. Create geological cross-sections, quality check your results and use markers and surfaces to simultaneously flatten your well correlation panels, cubes and lines.

PaleoScan™ workflows

Further information is available at www.eliis-geo.com

Reservoir characterization

Structural Interpretation